Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rapture? Yeah Right...

Today Perry gave me an assignment to cover this rapture thing that's supposed to happen on Saturday. At first I was all like, "Fuck no P-Dog, I don't work on Saturday". Then he was all mad and crap (old man rage I like to call it), so I was all like "Fine, but I totally don't even know what a rapture is. Isn't that like a fucking bird or some shit?". Then, out of nowhere, Jimmy 'ginger prime' Olsen pops up and starts ranting about this end of the world, God coming down and saving a couple jerks, and leaving the rest of the flightless fucks here to die. What?! Now I've seen a lot of crazy shit in my day. A short list would include such things as: having a backwards retarded version of myself, being to the end of existence with Booster Gold, and fighting a fucking rainbow.

Just an average day, punchin' rainbows

So I've seen some crazy shit in my day, but even I find it hard to believe that this rapture thing is going to happen. First of all, where's the motivation? If there is anything I know about super villains (and the "God" fellow is screaming villain right now), it's that they need some sort of motivation. This motivation doesn't need to make any sense, but it either A) will profit them somehow or B) has something to do with their costume. Now I have no idea what this God fellow looks like, but judging by his name, Im going to toss out option B...

Stealing S shirts? Hey, at least he's got purpose...

This would leave option A, profit. What the fuck does God have to gain by killing off all of "his people" (pompous jerk) and/or bringing all the rest of them back to his place where he is presumably going to give all these freeloaders room and board. Fuck that. Sounds like bullshit to me. Regardless of what happens this weekend I'm not going to care, and I'm sure as Hell not going to cover the story. Saturday is my day off Perry, I don't fuckin' roll!

Even after ya'll are raptured, I'm still gonna be chillin'. Also, I won't have to shave!

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