Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm Back! In Pog Form!

Out of the ashes of awesomeness comes your favorite (and really only choice) hero: ME! Yeah I know, I haven't slapped the keyboard in a while, but guess what? Your planet is still here,  you're still breathing air, and using the internet. Let's just say I've been busy keeping that shit the way it is. Anyhoo, in between slapping Brainiac into orbit and watching Game of Thrones, it was brought to my attention that there is a movie coming out about me... AND I'M ENRAGED.

(Jimmy's dumbass movie looks better)

Normally I wouldn't mind having the world pay to watch me save the world over and over again (note, figure out how to do this). However, this motion picture dealio is totally bogus. I'm not sure who these Warner Brothers are but they didn't ever ask me to make a movie about my exploits. After watching their dumptastic Green Lantern movie (I mean, it was worse than the real life Green Lantern), I can only imagine their going to make me look like some overly sensitive dufus who doesn't just punch his problems away. I mean how are they going to make a realistic flick if they didn't even ask what my favorite kind of scotch is (answer: all) or how many broads I bang out on the reg (answer: infinite). Bottom line, if you want the real Superman story, read this very blog your mortal eyes are now looking at. If you want to see some pussy flying around, crying, and getting his ass kicked by an inferior douchebag (Zod? Seriously who the fuck is named Zod anyway?), then by all means go see this "Man of Steel" BS. You can find me at the bar... OR SAVING YOUR STINKHOLE PLANET!

(Always prepared, and by prepared I mean hammered)

Wait a minute... Bruce put them up to this didn't he? That fucking idiot, I'm gonna go pee on Wayne Manor.

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